Thursday, June 24, 2010

EMJAY: Terrible Twos?

 Try terrible threes.

Okay, they're not terrible.  But some days they are terrible, horrible, no good, and very bad.  Like yesterday for example which began with peeing on the floor and ended in tears.

Adrian was fine it was me crying.
Kidding, I made him cry for once. Ha, take that kid!

I digress.

Now that his three year old brain is capable of making independent thoughts, opinions, and other generally amazing and really cool things, it's also capable of backtalking.


I've tried the whole you listen to me by the time I count to three or....
Or what, I'll put you in time out and you'll sit there plotting your next evil deed?
Or what, I'll give you a light spanking on your oh so cute bottom, only to serve as a temporary deterrent?

No, it's time for this mama to pull out the big guns.
(dun dun dun.....)

that's right, a reward chart!!  For those of you reared by wolves and or liberal hippies a reward chart will hopefully act as an incentive for good behavior and therefore earning privileges like watching an entire Disney movie on the weekends.  Clearly warning, threatening, beatings (kidding) etc. haven't worked, he's too smart for that.  Adrian however, is a little brown nosing, aim to please, kind of guy.  He'll take one look at those felt stars and be begging to climb into bed at 6pm.

Got a little carried away with the 6pm part huh?  But still!  I really hope the positive approach to discipline and routine works better than the negative one, or else this mama is going to need a lot more booze to get through the next 16 years....

1 comment:

  1. Love it!! How did you make it? My little one is the same cute innocent wants to please but it's all an act he can be a little devil and nothing scares him
